- Total number of hours (30)
- A minimum of 27 classroom hours (excludes 681, 684, and 685)
- Classroom hours must be taken from courses within the College of Engineering (all departments) and/or College of Science (only MATH, STAT, PHYS, CHEM, BIOL).
- A minimum of 24 classroom hours from the Departments of CSCE and ECEN
- At least 13 of these 24 hours must be in ECEN.
- At least 6 courses from the CEEN ME student course list
- Classroom hours must be taken from courses within the College of Engineering (all departments) and/or College of Science (only MATH, STAT, PHYS, CHEM, BIOL).
- Transfer hours allowed from another institution (6)
- Undergraduate hours allowed (2 courses or 8 hours)
- Only 400 level undergraduate courses can be included on degree plan.
- Courses must be from the College of Engineering and/or College of Science as specified in number 2 above.
- One hour of seminar is allowed (ECEN 681/CSCE 681), but it is NOT required.
- Seminar (681), Internship (684), and Directed Studies (685) – no more than (3) hours allowed (combined).
- Research (691) hours are not allowed on an MS non-thesis degree plan.
- A Final Project Report is required to be submitted to the Graduate Advising Office.
- A graded project from any ECEN and CSCE graduate course can be used to fulfill this requirement. The project requires a grade, the professor’s signature, and a completed cover page. It must be submitted in the graduating semester; see The Graduate Advising Office’s Microsoft Teams page for submission deadlines and other requirements.
- Composition of supervisory committee
- The Graduate Coordinator will be the chair of all MS non-thesis committees. No other committee members are needed.
- Additional course requirements:
- STAT 651 and STAT 652 (statistics courses) are for non-science majors and are not allowed. Traditionally no courses will be admitted from Engineering Technology because of the non-calculus-based curriculum and no approved graduate program.
- Credit for CSCE 614 may not be allowed in addition to ECEN 651 unless approved by the CESG Group Leader.
- Credit for CSCE 619 and CSCE 612 may not be allowed in addition to ECEN 602. Please check with the CESG Group Leader.
- No credit will be given for CSCE 601 & 602.
- No credit will be given for the following foundation courses ECEN 214, ECEN 248, ECEN 314, ECEN 325, ECEN 350, and CSCE 221.
- Total number of hours (30)
- A minimum of (18) classroom hours (excludes 681, 684, 685, & 691).
- Classroom hours must be taken from courses within the College of Engineering (all departments) and/or College of Arts & Sciences (only MATH, STAT, PHYS, CHEM, BIOL)
- A minimum of 6 hours of research (ECEN 691) must be included on the degree plan. A maximum of 9 research hours can be included.
- Total number of hours (64 or 96)
- For students who already hold a Master’s Degree, 64 total hours are required.
- For “direct PhD” students, 96 hours are required.
- A minimum of 18 (or 42) classroom hours (excludes 681, 684, 685, and 691).
- 18 hours required for students with a previous Master’s degree and 42 for direct PHD students
- Classroom hours must be taken from courses within the College of Engineering and College of Science.
- Courses on the degree plan must be approved by your research advisor.
- maximum of (6) transfer hours allowed from another institution.
- Transfer hours must be from a U.S. peer institution; they cannot have been used on a previous degree plan.
- Students must send syllabi, transcript, and TAMU course equivalent to the Graduate Office.
- Transfer hours are subject to the approval of the GSC.
- Undergraduate hours allowed (2 courses or 8 hours)
- Only 400 level courses can be included on the degree plan.
- No more than 3 credit hours of Internship (684) are allowed.
- PHD students cannot take 684 after dissertation defense.
- If you are considering going on an internship (684), please consult your research advisor before making plans.
- Three (3) hours of Seminar (ECEN 681/CSCE 681) are required.
- No more than 2 credit hours of Directed Studies (685) are allowed.
- Students working on a research project should enroll in Research (691) hours.
- All PhD students are required to pass the Departmental Qualifying Examination.
- All incoming PHD students (64 and 96 hour) are required to take the exam within one year of starting the program.
- Students entering the program with a previous degree outside of Electrical or Computer Engineering are allowed, with written approval from their advisor, an extra year and will be required to take the exam by the end of the second year.
- There are two types of Qualifying Exams available. The research advisor will select which track the student takes. Students without a research advisor default to Track 1.
- Track 1: Written exam consisting of questions from undergraduate course. This exam is administered in January and June of each year. More details on Track 1 are provided later in the Graduate Student Handbook.
- Track 2: Written and oral exam in which the separately formed committee provides student research articles to analyze before giving a presentation. More details on Track 2 are provided later in the Graduate Student Handbook.
- Students entering the program with a previous degree outside of Electrical or Computer Engineering are allowed, with written approval from their advisor, an extra year and will be required to take the exam by the end of the second year.
- Those students that fail the examination are given a second opportunity to retake the exam which must be taken at the next opportunity in which the exam is offered.
- Those that fail the examination twice will be removed from the PhD program
- All PHD students with a degree plan on file are required to submit an Annual PHD Review.
- The Graduate Office will provide this document to the student and his/her research advisor at the beginning of each spring semester.
- PHD students are responsible for meeting with their research advisor to discuss their progress in the program.
- After the student and research advisor sign the review document, the student should submit it to the Graduate Office by the specified deadline, which is typically by mid-May. Failure to submit the document on time will result in a registration hold on the student’s account.
- The research advisor rates the student’s progress as O (Outstanding), S (Satisfactory) and U (Unsatisfactory). The first time a U is issued:
- The student will receive a probation letter from the Graduate Advising Office.
- The student writes a statement explaining the U and details plans for the next year.
- The advisor writes a statement explaining the U and details plans for the next year.
- These items are then automatically brought before the GSQ committee for review.
The second time a U is issued:
- The GSQ committee will meet to decide on a remedy.
- Possible remedies include dismissal, suggestion to change advisors, etc.
- All PHD students are required to
- to pass a Preliminary Examination.
- 64-hour PhD students are required to schedule their prelim exam by the end of their fourth (4th) semester (excluding summers). 96-hour PhD and those with previous degrees outside of Electrical and Computer Engineering are required to schedule their prelim exam by the end of their sixth (6th) semester (excluding summers).
- Students who have not scheduled their prelim by the appointed time will be blocked from further registration until they do so.
- You must initiate the Prelim Checklist and Report and the Proposal Approval Form via ARCS. The link can be found on the GPS website. Initiate these items at least 2 business days before your prelim.
- Notify the Graduate Advising Office of your prelim date/time/details at least 1 month in advance.
- Student who fail the prelim exam will have one opportunity to retake the exam within six (6) months of the original exam date.
- Please see the ECE Graduate Advising Office’s Microsoft TEAMS page for details, specifically the “Prelim Steps” document. (viewable if enrolled)
- Final Defense of dissertation is required for all PhD students.
- Date and location of the final defense must be scheduled through the Graduate Advising Office at least 1 month in advance.
- You must initiate the Request and Announcement of Final Exam via ARCS at least 1 month in advance. The link can be found on the GPS website.
- Dissertation draft must be emailed to committee members at least two weeks before defense.
- Dissertation Approval Form and Copyright Form must be initiated via ARCS as well. Please see the GPS website for details.
- Please see the ECE Graduate Advising Office’s Microsoft TEAMS page for details. (viewable if enrolled)
- Composition of Supervisory Committee – at least 4 members
- At least two members from within the Computer Engineering Group from the ECEN Department
- At least one member not in the Computer Engineering Group but within the ECEN Department
- At least one member from outside the ECEN Department
- Note: Committee Chair must be ECEN faculty (or CSCE joint faculty appointment). The Co-Chair may be from an outside department.
- Additional course requirements:
- STAT 651 and STAT 652 (statistics courses) are for non-science majors and are not allowed. Traditionally, no courses will be admitted from Engineering Technology because of the non-calculus-based curriculum and no approved graduate program.
- Credit for CSCE 614 may not be allowed in addition to ECEN 651 unless approved by your advisor.
- Credit for CSCE 619 and CSCE 612 may not be allowed in addition to ECEN 602. Please check with your advisor.
- No credit will be given for CSCE 601 & 602.
- No credit will be given for the following foundation courses ECEN 214, ECEN 248, ECEN 314, ECEN 325, ECEN 350, and CSCE 221.
- No credit will be given for the following foundation courses ECEN 214, ECEN 248, ECEN 314, ECEN 325, ECEN 350, and CSCE 221.