Accelerating Storage Applications with Emerging Key Value Storage Devices, Mian Qin, August 2021
Optimizing emerging memory systems for performance, Chih-Chieh Chou, May 2020
Protecting Cyber-Physical Systems With Special Emphasis On Building Automation Networks, Zhiyuan Zheng, December, 2017
Detecting Anomalies in Controller Area Network for Automobiles, Daksh Kumar Vasistha, August, 2017
Addressing Insider Threats From Smart Devices, Allen T. Webb, August, 2017
Memory Management for Emerging Memory Technologies, Viacheslav Fedorov, August, 2016
Adaptive policies for balancing performance and lifetime of mixed SSD arrays through workload sampling, Sangwhan Moon, April, 2016
Virtualization of Non-Volatile RAM, Ayush Ruia, May 2015
Reliability of SSD Storage Systems, Sangwhan Moon, 2015
Sentiment-Based Classification of Tweeters and University Programs, Bolun Huang, August 2014
Enhancements to SQLite Library to Improve Performance on Mobile Platforms, Shyam Ramachandran, 2013
Integration of Non-Volatile Memory Into Storage Hierarchy, Sheng Qiu, December, 2013
SCMFS Performance Enhancement and Implementation on Mobile Platform, Qian Cao, August, 2012
Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness of Multipath Routing in Computer Networks, Yong Oh Lee, May, 2012
Multipath Probabilistic Early Response TCP, Ankit Singh, August, 2012
Scalable Techniques for Anomaly Detection, Sandeep Yadav, December, 2012
Detecting Networks Employing Algorithmically Generated Domain Names, Ashwath Kumar Krishna Reddy, August, 2011
Storage Systems for Non-Volatile Memory Devices, Xiaojian Wu, August, 2011
Evaluation of Probabilistic Early Response TCP (Pert) for Video Delivery and Extension With Ack Coalescing, Bin Quan, August, 2011
The Umbrella File System: Storage Management Across Heterogeneous Devices, John Allen Garrison, May, 2010
Performance of Quantized Congestion Notification in TCP Incast in Data Centers, Prajjwal Prasad Devkota, April 2010
Disjoint Multi-Path Routing and Failure Recovery, Yong Oh Lee and A. L. Narasimha Reddy September 7, 2009
Managing Storage Space in a Flash and Disk Hybrid Storage System, Xiaojian Wu and A. L. Narasimha Reddy, April, 2009
A New I/O Scheduler for Solid State Devices, Marcus Dunn and A. L. Narasimha Reddy, April, 2009
A Framework for Defending Against Prefix Hijack Attacks, Krishna Chaitanya Tadi, January, 2009
Network Coding for Improving the Fairness of Long-Hop TCP Flows in a Multi-Hop Wireless Network, Yong Oh Lee, Manish Kumar Singh, October, 2008
Adapting a Delay-Based Protocol to Heterogeneous Environments, Kiran Kotla, August, 2008
Umbrella File System: Storage Management across Heterogeneous devices, John Garrison and A. L. Narasimha Reddy, Dec. 2007
Flexible Allocation and Space Management in Storage Systems, Suk Woo Kang, May 2007
Modeling and Stablity of PERT, Yueping Zhang, May 2007
Improving Network Routing Performance in Dynamic Environments. Yong Liu, January 2007
Congestion Control Algorithms of TCP in Emerging Networks, Sumitha Bhandarkar, August 2006
Multihoming Route Control among a Group of Multihomed Stub Networks, Yong Liu, A. L. Narasimha Reddy, February 2006
An Approach For Improving Performance of Aggregate Voice-Over-IP Traffic, Camelia Al-Najjar, August 2005
LTCP-RC: RTT Compensation Technique to Scale High-Speed Protocol in High RTT Links, Saurabh Jain, August 2005
Real-Time Analysis of Aggregate Network Traffic for Anomaly Detection, Seong Soo Kim, May 2005
Evaluation of Different Packet Header Data as Signals for Anomaly Detection, Seong Soo Kim, and A. L. Narasimha Reddy, April 2005
Improving Storage System Flexibility Through Virtual Allocation, Sukwoo Kang, and A. L. Narasimha Reddy, December 2004
LTCP: A Layered Congestion Control Protocol for Highspeed Networks, Sumitha Bhandarkar, Saurabh Jain, A. L. Narasimha Reddy, October 2004
A Study of Analyzing Network Traffic as Images in Real-Time, Seong Soo Kim, A. L. Narasimha Reddy, September 2004
TCP-DCR Making TCP Robust to Non-Congestion Losses, Sumitha Bhandarkar, A. L. Narasimha Reddy, July 2003
Detecting Traffic Anomalies at the Source through Aggregate Analysis of Packet Header Data, Seong Soo Kim, A. L. N. Reddy, Marina Vannucci, May 2003
Improving Service Availability During Link Failure Transients through Alternate Routing, Siridhar Vellanki, A. L. N. Reddy, February 2003
TCP-DCR: A Novel Protocol for Tolerating Wireless Channel Errors, Sumitha Bhandarkar, Nauzad Sadry, A. L. N. Reddy, Nitin Vaidya, February 2003
Delayed Response Protocols for High-Delay Wireless Networks, Nauzad Erach Sadry, December 2002
Design, Analysis and Experience of Partial State Router, Phani Gopal V Achanta & Dr. A.L.N.Reddy, July 2002
WADeS: A Tool for Distributed Denial of Service Attack Detection, Anu Ramanathan, August 2002
A Method for estimating non-responsive traffic at a router, Zhili Zhao, March 2002
Mitigating Denial of Service Using QoS Regulation, Aman Garg, November 2001
MVSS: an Active Storage Architecture, Xiaonan Ma, September, 2001
SPIRAL: A Client-Transparent Third-Party Transfer Scheme for Network Attached Disks, Xiaonan Ma, July, 2001
Implementation and Evaluation of an Active Storage System Prototype, Xiaonan Ma, July, 2001
Policy Based End Server Resource Regulation, Aman Garg, May 2001
Mitigating Denial of Service Using QoS Regulation, Aman Garg, May 2001
Delayed Congestion Response Protocols, Sumitha Bhandarkar, August 2001
PRISM: A File Server Architecture For Providing Integrated Services, Ravi Wijayaratne, May 2001
An Active Queue Management Scheme To Contain High Bandwidth Flows At A Congested Router, Smitha, May 2001
Analyzing Network Traces To Identify Long-Term High Rate Flows, Inkoo Kim, May 2001
Bandwidth Assurance in a Differentiated Services Network, Ikjun Yeom, May 2001
MPEG Aware Disk Storage System, Qian Ren, June 2000
TRIO – A Scheme for Active Resource Management, Saikrishan Gopalakrishnan, May 2000
MVSS: Multi-View Storage System, Xiaonan Ma and A.L. Narasimha Reddy, April 2000
Modeling TCP behavior in a Differentiated-Services Network, Ikjun Yeom and A.L. Narasimha Reddy, May 2000
Multiported Storage Devices, Marcus Grande, May 2000
QOS Enhancement with Partial State, Deying Tong, August 1999
Adaptive Best Effort Protocols for Video Delivery, Ashwin R. Madhwaraj, August 1998
An Evaluation of the Storage Systems based on Network Attached Disks, Gang Ma, August 1998
ENDE: An End-to-End Network Delay Emulator, Ikjun Yeom, August 1998
A Client Oriented, IP Level Redirection Mechanism, Sumit Gupta, August 1998
Realizing throughput guarantees in Differentiated Services Networks, Ikjun Yeom and A. L. Narasimha Reddy, August 1997
On providing deterministic I/O service for VBR streams, A. L. Narasimha Reddy and Ravi Wijayaratne, August 1997
Providing QoS guarantees for disk I/O, Ravi Wijayaratne and A. L. Narasimha Reddy, August 1997