Focus Areas
My current research projects fall broadly under the three areas listed below. My research group’s activities have been funded via government (NSF, LLNL, NSA, NCMR, DNDO) as well as industrial (Intel, Nascentric, NSC, SRC, Accelicon, NVIDIA) sources.
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Some of the papers listed under the links on this page may appear in multiple links, based on their topics.
- Computer Systems: In this category, my work falls into two subcategories.
- The first is computer architecture from the circuits up (including the design of efficient NoCs using a resonant clocking as well as a superposition-of-sinusoids paradigm, special function units for comparison, hashing, logarithm/antilogarithm computation, cryptographic key generation, Boolean Satisfiability and sorting, low energy and low power design using sub-threshold circuits, system prototyping, specialized architectures for arithmetic circuits, radiation tolerance/detection, as well as circuit and architectural approaches for resilience, crosstalk avoidance, clocking, leakage reduction and testability. My group also develops system prototypes to validate our ideas – for example, in extreme low power/energy computation, architectures for cryptography and FPGA based architectures for Boolean Satisfiability).
- Network-on-Chip and Special Function Units (ongoing)
- Extreme Low Power/Energy System Design (ongoing)
- New Architectures for Arithmetic Circuits (ongoing)
- Radiation and Process Variation Tolerance (ongoing)
- Clocking in VLSI Design (ongoing)
- Controlling On-chip (Capacitive) and Off-chip (Inductive) Crosstalk (past)
- Testing and ATPG (past)
- Leakage Reduction and Modeling (past)
- The second sub-category consists of algorithm acceleration (using GPUs, FPGAs and custom ICs), for algorithms in the VLSI CAD (for fault simulation, logic simulation, circuit simulation, fault table generation, SAT), radar signal processing (for weather radar), cryptography and communications (LDPC decoders, MIMO decoders, WiMAX decoders) domains.
- The first is computer architecture from the circuits up (including the design of efficient NoCs using a resonant clocking as well as a superposition-of-sinusoids paradigm, special function units for comparison, hashing, logarithm/antilogarithm computation, cryptographic key generation, Boolean Satisfiability and sorting, low energy and low power design using sub-threshold circuits, system prototyping, specialized architectures for arithmetic circuits, radiation tolerance/detection, as well as circuit and architectural approaches for resilience, crosstalk avoidance, clocking, leakage reduction and testability. My group also develops system prototypes to validate our ideas – for example, in extreme low power/energy computation, architectures for cryptography and FPGA based architectures for Boolean Satisfiability).
- Logic and its applications: In this area, my work initially started in the space of logic synthesis for VLSI CAD. In the last couple of years, I have directed this work towards genomics (predictor inference, Gene Regulatory Network (GRN) construction, determining optimal drug regime for a genetic disease), noise based logics and their realization, and Boolean Satisfiability solvers (using noise based logic as well as GPU, FPGA and custom IC based accelerators).
- Logic Techniques Applied to Genomics (ongoing)
- Boolean Satisfiability (ongoing)
- Noise-based Logic (ongoing)
- Logic Synthesis (past)
- Interdisciplinary extensions: The above two areas form a spring-board from which I engage in research in other domains. I explore extensions of the above two areas to other areas such as IP routing (routing table compression, architecture and design of Ternary CAMs), Digital Signal Processing (architectures and designs for FFT, FPGA and GPU based radar signal processors), optical networking (SAT based Routing and Wavelength Assignment for DWDM optical networks), wireless communication (MIMO decoders, WiMAX decoders) and coding (LDPC decoders, fix-free code generators).