Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company Chair Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Texas A&M University
Contact Information
Email: rstanleywilliams@tamu.edu
Research Interests
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
Attractor-Based Computing
Dynamical Bayesian Networks
Neuromorphic Hardware
Awards & Honors
IEEE Outstanding Engineering Manager (Western US and Canada), 2014
EETIMES 40th Anniversary edition top 10 Electronics Visionaries, 2012
EETIMES Annual Creativity in Electronics (ACE) Innovator of the Year Award, 2009
Glenn T. Seaborg Medal for contributions to chemistry (UCLA), 2007
Joel Birnbaum Prize (highest internal HPL award for research), 2005
Herman Bloch Medal for Industrial Research – University of Chicago, 2004
Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology, 2000
Ph.D., University of California Berkeley, 1978, Physical Chemistry
B.A., Rice University, 1974, Chemical Physics