Fall 2002, ELEN 689-612: Optimization Techniques for VLSI CAD
Fall 2003, ELEN 689-603: VLSI Circuit Modeling and Optimization
Spring 2005, ELEN 689-607: VLSI Interconnect Modeling and Optimization
Spring 2006, ELEN 689-605: Layout Optimization for Robust VLSI Circuits
Fall 2006, ELEN 475: Introduction to VLSI System Design
Spring 2007, ELEN 689-609: VLSI Design for Manufacturability
Spring 2007, ELEN 468: Advanced Logic Design
Spring 2008, ECEN 689-603: Robust VLSI Design
Fall 2008, ECEN 689-605: Algorithms and Methodologies for VLSI Design
Summer 2009, ECEN 350: Computer Architecture and Design
Fall 2009, ECEN 687/489-504: VLSI Design Automation
Spring 2010, ECEN 454: Digital Integrated Circuit Design
Spring 2010, ECEN 689-608: VLSI System Synthesis
Spring 2011, ECEN 454: Digital Integrated Circuit Design
Summer 2011, ECEN 248: Introduction to Digital Systems Design
Fall 2011, ECEN 454: Digital Integrated Circuit Design
Spring 2012, ECEN 468: Advanced Logic Design
Fall 2012, ECEN 689-602: Optimization and Verification of VLSI Systems
Spring 2013, ECEN 468: Advanced Logic Design
Fall 2013, ECEN 681-604: Computer Engineering and Systems Group Seminar
Fall 2013, ECEN 248: Introduction to Digital Systems Design
Spring 2014, ECEN 468: Advanced Logic Design
Spring 2014, ECEN 687: Introduction to VLSI Design Automation
Fall 2014, ECEN 248: Introduction to Digital Systems Design
Fall 2014, ECEN 350: Computer Architecture and Design
Spring 2015, ECEN 468: Advanced Digital System Design
Spring 2015, ECEN 689-602: Optimization and Verification of Embedded Systems
Fall 2015, ECEN 468: Advanced Digital System Design
Fall 2015, ECEN 687: Introduction to VLSI Design Automation
Fall 2016, ECEN 449/749: Microprocessor System Design
Spring 2017, ECEN 468: Advanced Digital System Design
Spring 2017, ECEN 689-600: Dependable and Autonomic Computing
Fall 2017, ECEN 687: Introduction to VLSI Design Automation
Spring 2018, ECEN 468: Advanced Digital System Design
Fall 2018, ECEN 689-605(700): Dependable Learning Systems
Spring 2019, ECEN 468:Advanced Digital System Design
Fall 2019, ECEN 687: Introduction to VLSI Design Automation
Spring 2020, ECEN 468: Advanced Digital System Design
Fall 2020, ECEN 687: Introduction to VLSI Design Automation
Spring 2021, ECEN 489/689 FPGA Information Processing Systems
Fall 2021, ECEN/CSCE 689: Introduction to Formal Verification
Spring 2022, ECEN 489/689: FPGA Information Processing Systems
Spring 2023, ECEN 468/719: Advanced Digital System Design
Fall 2023, ECEN 687: Introduction to VLSI Design Automation
Spring 2024, ECEN 722: FPGA Information Processing Systems